Machbarkeitsstudie zu Instrumenten zur Unterstützung der Informationsflüsse über Stoffe in Erzeugnissen entlang der Wertschöpfungsketten und zum Abfallsektor
This study assessed whether the circular economy could be improved by enhancing information flows regarding substances of concern (SoCs) in products as well as different tools and instruments to improve information flows. Based on 12 case studies the status quo regarding information flows on SoCs along supply chains and to the waste stage were described. The cases were selected to include different products in terms of their longevity, complexity, material composition, and waste treatment processes. In addition, different sectors were selected that have different approaches to information flows. Based on the case studies, four core mechanisms were identified how information on SoCs could improve the circularity of waste treatment. However, the project results also show that in all four cases it would be necessary to change framework conditions in addition to improved information flows to realize the potential of the respective mechanism. In the course of the project, two stakeholder workshops were organized to discuss the results with a broad spectrum of actors.