Feasibility study on the use of comprehensive tools to manage information flows from product supply chains to waste operators (Contract no.: SI2.663702)

This study aims to assess, if and using which tools the circular economy could be improved with regard to substances of concern (SoCs) in products (articles).

Based on 12 case studies the status quo regarding information flows on SoCs along supply chains and to the waste stage are described. The selected cases represent different products with regard to longevity, complexity, composition and waste treatment of products. Additionally, sectors were chosen that have different approaches to information flows.

Based on the case studies, a total of 4 core mechanisms was identified how information on SoCs could improve waste treatment with a view to an increased circularity. However, in all cases it would be necessary to change framework conditions in addition to improved information flows to unlock the benefit potentials.

Two stakeholder workshops were organised to discuss the project results. The final report also contains exemplary cost assessments and will be published mid 2020.

Dirk Jepsen


Dirk Jepsen

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