ECHA Service Request on “Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment for Exposure Scenario Building” regarding the waste life stage
According to REACH Annex I, the waste stage is to be considered in the frame of the chemical safety assessment for all dangerous substances. For each identified use it is to be determined which fraction of the registered substance becomes waste, how the wastes are managed at the different steps of the supply chain and whether or not risks to man or the environment could occur.
Project aims
The aim of this project was to develop a methodology for the release estimation of substances in the waste stage and to compile relevant information, in order to provide a basis for an update of the respective guidance document on exposure assessment for the waste life stage.
A methodology for differentiating wastes according to their origin (municipal / industry) and nature (articles, mixtures, hazardousness) as well as their potential disposal pathways (municipal waste treatment, recycling, hazardous waste treatment) was developed. Exposure scenarios and pertaining emission factors were derived for certain groups of substances. Two examples were prepared illustrating the work process of emission estimation according to the method.
The result of the project are integrated into the ECHA guidance on the exposure assessment of the waste stage (R18).