Technical assistence to prepare the Commission report on the operation of REACH
Background and tasks
According to Article 117 of REACH, the EU Commission is requested to regularly report on the operation of REACH. It may use the reports of the Member States and the European Chemicals agency which they are required to prepare according to Article 117, also.
Objectives and expected results
The objective of the project was to support the EU Commission in fulfilling its reporting obligations by assessing and compiling relevant information from different sources.
The project team of RPA and Ökopol analyzed the Member States’ report on the REACH implementation. In addition, the ECHA reports on the operation of REACH and on the avoidance of animal testing were evaluated with regard to relevant information for the Commission report. The third information source assessed were the 10 thematic studies commissioned by the EU Commission in preparation of the REACH revision in 2012.
The result of the project is a report that served as background document for the EU Commission to prepare a Commission Communication and related staff working document.
Further contact: Antonia Reihlen