Stakeholder Dialogues on Nanotechnologies of the German Environmental Ministry (2011/2012)

History of the NanoDialogue

The NanoCommission of the German Government was created as a central, national discussion platform in 2006. Its task was to facilitate the information exchange on opportunities and risks of nanotechnologies between different of stakeholder groups and thereby to contribute to the responsible and sustainable use of nanomaterials.

The NanoCommission worked during two phases of dialogue (2006 – 2008 and 2009 – 2011) and ended its work with a final report for each period including recommendations to the government. The NanoCommission consisted of approximately 20 members from different stakeholder groups. In both dialogue periods it was supported by working groups which discussed specific aspects in detail.

At the end of the second work period, the participants of the NanoDialogue agreed that for the future questions and tasks a different way of conducting the discussion in form of topic-related events would be appropriate and desirable.

Background and objectives of the TopicDialogues

The Ministry of Environment (MoE) will, taking account of the recommendations oft he NanoCommission organize four TopicDialogues on different issues related to nanotechnologies. It herewith creates the possibility to continue and further develop some of the previous discussions of the NanoCommission and to introduce new topics to the stakeholders.

In the first two Dialogue conferences, it is intended to take up the discussions of the NanoCommission and continue the dialogue in the current context: “Instruments for assessing and managing risks in the world of nano” and “traceability of nanomaterials and nanoproducts”. The third TopicDialogue will be dedicated to discussing the “Sustainability of nanotechnologies – green nano”. At the last TopicDialogue the conclusions from the previous events will be summarized and evaluated, the German Research be introduced and put in context with international research and consequences be drawn.

Frame of the TopicDialogues 2011/2012

The TopicDialogues will take place on two consecutive days in the premises of the BMU in Berlin. For each event, approximately 20 representatives of different stakeholder groups as well as from ministries and agencies will be invited. The BMU will publish reports for each of the topics, which will amongst others contain the discussions and results from the TopicDialogues. The emphasis of the TopicDialogues will be on the sociopolitical contextualization of the different topics.

Topics and dates of the TopicDialogues

TD 1 Risk management in the nanoworld – 01.12. – 02.12.11

TD 2 Traceability of nanomaterials – 21.02. – 22.02.12

TD 3 Sustainability of nanotechnologies– green nano – 12.06. – 13.06.12

TD 4 Potentials of research as locational factor – 16.10. – 17.10.1

Further contact:

Antonia Reihlen

Silke Detlefs


Dirk Jepsen