Information gathering on articles (Service Request (SR08) ECHA/2012/265)


Substances of very high concern, which are included in the candidate list for authorization have to be notified by the producers and/or importers of articles under certain conditions (REACH Art. 7.2). In addition, their content is to be communicated with the articles, if the concentration exceeds 0.1% w/w.

There are very few information sources on the content of candidate substances in articles, currently. Databases, studies and publications by different actors are available on the internet but the information content can only be extracted "manually" and it is difficult to get an overview of what is already known.

Project aims

It is the aim of the project to analyse the availabilty of information on SVHC in articles and document and, if possible, make it available to ECHA. Based on this analysis, recommendations are made regarding the sources and their suitability for ECHA’s work.


The results of the project are a database with the different information sources, which are characterised with regard to their information content. Furthermore, several short reports are elaborated specifying among others the possibility to use existing articles databases, the options to build up a new materials database and the possibilites to read-across information on substances in articles.


Antonia Reihlen

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