Elaboration of approaches to an improved data basis on whereabouts of end-of-life vehicles including legal instruments (FKZ 3714 33 315 0)

The project dealt with the data situation on the whereabouts of end-of-life vehicles. The starting point was that the available statistical data did not provide any information on the whereabouts of about 1 million passenger cars that are permanently decommissioned in Germany annually. The aim of the research project was to close this statistical gap as far as possible. To this end, the status quo and the causes of the statistical gap were analysed by means of expert discussions, workshops, surveys, database evaluations and literature research. The fate of the vehicles was then systematized in scenarios.

As a result, the number of decommissioning’s had to be increased because N1 vehicles were not previously recorded (0.36 million vehicles). The revised calculation approach resulted in a reduction of the gap by 0.52 million vehicles. Further shortcomings in the flow of information from foreign customs offices were the cause of a gap of around 0.21 million vehicles. Against the background of these results, the statistical gap was largely closed. Data uncertainties existed in particular regarding the whereabouts of illegally dismantled vehicles in Germany and abroad.


Knut Sander

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