Advancing REACH: Online survey and Reach Congress 2018 (AP3) (FKZ: 3717 67 410 0)

The aim of Work Package 3 of the project “Advancing REACH” was to discuss the topics of the REACH review 2017/2018 with the national stakeholders and get an impression on how the REACH implementation is evaluated as well as what could be improved and how.

The stakeholder opinions were first collected via an online-survey consisting of 30 questions to get information on the effects of REACH on the stakeholders activities and on the possibilities to improve the implementation. Overall, the economic actors’ opinions were fairly homogeneous, indicating that no change of the REACH text is desired and that “soft” support measures would be more acceptable than regulatory measures, e.g. to improve the quality of registration dossiers.

These opinions were also provided at the discussions of the two-day stakeholder REACH conference in Dortmund in December 2018. Various aspects of the REACH implementation were introduced via presentations and in the plenary.

Dokumentation des Kongresses (German)

Arbeitspapier: Ergebnisse der Online Befragung (German)


Dirk Jepsen

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