Advancing REACH: Interlinks between REACH processes (AP5.6) (FKZ: 3717 67 410 0)
In this sub-project, the possibilities to improve the interaction of the REACH procedures with regard to time and resource requirements were investigated. The interfaces between registration, dossier and substance evaluation, authorisation and restriction were described by listing the intended interaction and observed deficits in detail and deriving suitable possibilities for improvement.
The investigations show that the interaction of the procedures works well overall. However, a deficit arises in all REACH procedures at the interface to registration from the lack of comprehensive data on the hazards and especially on the uses of the substances. Obtaining this data can be achieved with different approaches, which differ significantly in the depth of intervention and thus the burdens for the authorities and industry and the expected benefits. These options were not evaluated in the project. In the area of dossier and substance evaluation, there are three options for going through the procedures, which can be selected depending on the initial situation and substance. The interface between restriction and authorisation could be improved by an earlier start of possible restrictions of SVHC subject to authorisation in (imported) articles.