Review Study of the Ecodesign Voluntary Agreement for the Product Group “Videogames Consoles” (Contract No 409/PP/2014/FC Lot 2)

As an alternative to mandatory implementing measures to establish Ecodesign requirements for individual product groups, the Ecodesign Directive provides for the possibility for industry to propose self-regulation measures (art. 15 par. 1).

In August 2012, the manufacturers of game consoles presented a draft proposal for a voluntary measure, which was discussed with stakeholders and subsequently revised by the industry. In 2015, after completing an impact assessment, the European Commission acknowledged the Voluntary Agreement (VA) officially in a report. This study for the review of the games consoles voluntary agreement provided an independent review of the targets included in the respective version of the voluntary agreement on games consoles as well as recommendations for changes. The study informed the revision of the voluntary agreement in 2019.


Till Zimmermann