UrbanFactory II – Ressource Efficient City Districts through Urban Production

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), this project (Urban Factory II) further develops the “Urban Factory” concept. It follows up on the preliminary project (Urban Factory I), which developed a systemic understanding of the concept as well as the shared resources (such as soil, knowledge, etc.). The overarching aim is to increase the resource efficiency of the "city-factory system" by identifying and implementing appropriate measures to link resource flows of different actors in a meaningful way (considering economic, ecological, and social contexts). The project consortium includes fourteen organisations from science and practice as well as businesses in the two model regions, Braunschweig and Wolfsburg. As part of the project consortium, Ökopol acts as a multiplier and coordinates a sub-project aimed at evaluating innovative business models for urban production and their economic viability. In addition, Ökopol supports the industry and application partners in implementing the identified measures to effectively link resource flows (e.g., in establishing sharing concepts or collective services for the neighbourhood).


Dirk Jepsen