Support to the possible introduction of additional information requirements on uses and exposure in REACH (ENV. B.2./FRA/2020/0010)

The aim of the study is to assist the Commission in determining how best to revise the registration requirements and the associated downstream user obligations to provide information on uses, including intermediate uses, appropriate information on tonnages for the different uses and resulting exposures of consumers, workers and the environment, including humans exposed via the environment.

The specific objectives of the study are to provide the Commission with the following:

  • options for revising and specifying requirements for submitting information on the registrant’s own uses;
  • options for revising and specifying requirements for submitting information about uses of downstream users and consumers, related to a substance on its own, in mixtures or in articles (including service life of articles and waste stage);  
  • options to update information periodically (annually or otherwise) of the amounts of substances manufactured or imported, and placed on the market;  
  • an assessment of the costs and feasibility to registrants and their downstream users and the benefits for health and the environment of the proposed policy options for obtaining more information on uses and exposure.


Olaf Wirth

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