




Standardization of emission factors for exposure assessment under REACH

Commissioned by:
German Federal Environment Agency

Institute for Enviromental Strategies, Germany


As part of the chemical safety assessment for dangerous substances under REACH, emissions and exposures from identified uses have to be estimated and risks characterized. The so determined conditions of safe use are to be documented in the chemical safety report and communicated along the supply chain via the (extended) safety data sheet.

According to the ECHA guidance, the emissions to the environment of an identified use can be estimated using the so called Environmental Release Categories (ERCs). ERCs group a broad range of uses which have similar emission characteristics regarding the environment and therefore, assumptions and emission factors of an ERC are very conservative.

The European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) has published guidelines supporting its sector organizations in developing sector-specific and less conservative specific environmental release categories (spERCs). Sector-specific processes and emission factors as well as efficiencies of risk management measures should be considered.

The aim of the project is to assess some of the spERCs developed by industry and assess their quality. For selected spERCs it will be analyzed if

  • all emission-relevant processing steps have been considered in the description oft he spERCs and the derivation of emission factors
  • the proposed default values, in particular the emission factors, are plausible and well founded
  • the documentation of the spERCs is complete, transparent and comprehensive
  • the spERCs are an appropriate basis for communication in the supply chain.
The project result is a report summarizing the identified criticism regarding the content of those spERCs that were analyzed. Methodological issues related e.g. to the derivation of emission factors or other default values will be discussed with view to the analyzed spERCs as well as to the CEFIC guideline on spERCs.


Antonia Reihlen
Dirk Jepsen
Olaf Wirth