





Nordic Product Registers and REACH Data Base
Commissioned by:
The Nordic Chemical Group
Carried out by:
Ökopol, Institute for Enviromental Strategies, Germany
April 2006 - December 2006
Since more than 10 years, companies placing chemical products on the market of the Nordic Countries are required to register these in the Nordic product registers. Under the future new European chemicals policy, REACH, substances placed on the market in amounts exceeding 1 t/a and actor will have to be registered as well. The REACH system will generate comparable information to that of the Nordic product registers.
A number of industry sectors have raised the concern that parallel operation of REACH and the Nordic Product Registers could lead to double-work and hence simplification would be needed with regard to the extent and the work procedures for a registration.
Objectives and tasks
The objectives of the project are to identify:
  • possible overlaps between the registration process in the Nordic product registers and under REACH
  • the strengths and opportunities that the Nordic product registers provide and
  • relevant experience to be shared for setting up a useful and workable registration system under REACH.
  • the channels and fora through which the experience can be made useful for the REACH system.
The two registration systems will be assessed with regard to the type and structure of information to be submitted for a registration as well as the updating requirements. The result will be a systematic comparison of the two registration systems.
Relevant experience from setting up an maintaining the Nordic product registers and the SPIN data base will be documented as implementation advice for the future IT-system under REACH.
A proposal for a system of "identified uses" under REACH will be made, based on the experience with the use identifiers in the Nordic product registers. It is envisaged to feed this proposal into the REACH implementation process.
Dirk Jepsen