Advancing REACH: (WP 11) Joint ECHA / DE-CA Workshop on the Regulation of Substances in Articles (FKZ: 3717 67 410 0)
Substances of concern in articles may pose risks for humans and the environment, and they are a major obstacle for circular economy when they turn up in recycled materials. Substances of very high concern (SVHC) in articles are one of the priority action fields for ECHA and the EU Commission in the current 5-years plan with regard to information requirements, authorisations and restrictions.
The workshop “Priority Action Field: Substances of concern in articles – Status quo and options to improve regulation” offered an opportunity for experts from MS-CAs, the ECHA and the Commission to exchange their experiences on the topic. It started with presentations by the German UBA and BfR, the ECHA and the EU Commission. Afterwards, the following topics were discussed in a “world-café” discussion format: Improving the availability of exposure data, screening and prioritising of article (sub) categories, supply chain and risk communication, balancing information requirements and resources, the interplay of Restriction & Authorisation and making use of broader synergies of regulatory measures.
The workshop took place 17th October 2019 in Berlin, at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment.