Industrial Emissions and Best Available Techniques (BAT)
The European Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU) is the basis for harmonized permitting, monitoring and inspection of more than 50,000 industrial installations in Europe. The Directive requires the application of best available techniques (BAT) in industry sectors related with environmental impacts. Best available techniques are measures ensuring a high level of environmental protection, considering impacts on all environmental media; at the same time, these techniques are considered by EU Member States as approved on industrial scale and generally economically viable. Documentation of sector related environmental impacts and best available techniques impact minimization is realized in so-called BAT Reference documents (BREFs). BAT Conclusions documents are extracts of BREF documents, serving as reference for permitting and monitoring of industrial installations. They summarize best available techniques (BAT) and define emission levels associated with these BAT.
Since the beginning of the European information exchange in 1998, ÖKOPOL has participated in the development of BREF Documents. For this purpose, ÖKOPOL uses a broad network of industry companies, associations, scientists, authorities and technique suppliers. We collect information on reference plants using best available techniques, evaluate its applicability in each industry sector, elaborate studies on economic viability and environmental benefits; we are involved in definition of best available techniques and consult companies and associations regarding the implementation of requirements of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). Our business consulting aims at efficient realization of BAT Conclusions and prepares large and medium-sized companies for inspections of competent authorities.
ÖKOPOL was and is involved in the development and application of the following BAT Reference documents:
- BREF on Large Combustion Plants
- BREF on Mineral Oil and Gas Refineries
- BREF on Large Volume Organic Chemicals Production
- BREF on Wood-Based Panel Production
- BREF on Pulp and Paper Production
- BREF on Non-Ferrous Metals Production
- BREF on Iron and Steel Production
- BREF on Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide Production
- BREF on Glass Production
- BREF on Waste Incineration
- BREF on Waste Treatment
- BREF on Textiles Industry
- BREF on Foundries and Smitheries
- BREF on Surface Treatment on Metals and Plastics (Electric Plating)
- BREF on Surface Treatment Using Solvents (e.g. Printing, Coating, Paint Production, Wood Impregnation, Oil Extraction)
ÖKOPOL is involved in the national implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) in Germany, being a member of the IED Working Group of the Commission of Lower Saxony and an assessor to the Committee of the Environmental Ministry for adaptation of the German Technical Ordinance on Air Quality (TA Luft) to the requirements of European BAT Reference Documents.
Current references: Industrial Emissions and Best Available Techniques (BAT)
Title | Client, Project leader, Project partner | Duration |
Prepare guidance on best available techniques (BAT) for the abatement of mercury emissions from crematoria (Framework contract No ENV.C.4/FRA/2023/0027) |
European Commission, DG Environment, Brussels (BE) Project leader: Logika Group, Bristol (UK) Project partner: Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE) |
2024 – 2025 |
Measurement of low mercury concentration in waste gas of industrial processes for determination of performance characteristics of the standard reference method EN 13211 (2001) and the alternative method CEN/TS 17286 (2019) (Sorbent Trap Monitoring) (FKZ 3721 52 204 0) Short description |
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE) Project leader: Verein Deutscher Zementwerke (VDZ) Service GmbH, Düsseldorf (DE) Project partner: Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE); Aneco Institut für Umweltschutz GmbH & Co., Mönchengladbach (DE); TÜV Rheinland Energie und Umwelt GmbH, Cologne (DE) |
2021 – 2024 |
Innovative/sustainable techniques: Determination of best available techniques (BAT) in Europe - Part 01: Revision of the BREF document Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals (LVIC BREF) (FKZ 3721 53 301 1) |
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE) Project leader: Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE) Project partner: Dr. Bernd Serr Consultant, Emmendingen (DE) |
2021 – 2024 |
Ilovicia Site Project - Independent support of interested parties regarding matters of environmental protection |
Euromax Resources (Macedonia) Ltd, Kingston Upon Thames (UK) Project leader: Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE) |
since 2021 |