References environmentally sound products and product systems

Title Client, Project leader, Project partner Duration
Consultancy service "Sustainability assessment of video streaming" KlimAktiv gemeinnützige Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Klimaschutzes mbH, Tübingen (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2023 – 2026

Scientific support of the implementation process of the Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Regulation - Fourth work programme (FKZ: 372 237 3080) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
co2online gGmbH, Berlin (DE); Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik gGmbH (ILK), Dresden (DE); SEnerCon GmbH, Berlin (DE); VHK research engineers, Delft (NL)
2023 – 2026

Conceptual and organisational management of the tender, submission and pre-selection phase of the EISVOGEL 23/24 Heinz Sielmann Stiftung

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2023 – 2024

Development of the "Blue Angel" Ecolabel - Framework Contract 2020 (FKZ 3720 37 303 1) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
DBFZ gGmbH, Leipzig (DE); Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. (IBP), Stuttgart (DE); Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. (UMSICHT), Oberhausen (DE); Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE)
2020 – 2024

Further development of the product portfolio of the "Blauer Engel" ecolabel with a focus on services (FKZ: 3719 37 310 0)
Short description
Der Blaue Engel ecolabel
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Corsus - Corporate Sustainability, Hamburg (DE); FH Münster (iSuN Institut für Nachhltige Ernährung) (DE); Green Film Shooting/Birgit Heidsiek, Hamburg (DE); KlimAktiv gemeinnützige Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Klimaschutzes mbH, Tübingen (DE)
2019 – 2024

Updating and expanding the existing environmental guideline of the Fhh into a sustainability guideline (FB1a.12.04.10-422) Behörde für Umwelt, Klima, Energie und Agrarwirtschaft (BUKEA), Hamburg (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Dr. Angela Dageförde (Fachjuristin für Vergaberecht), Hannover (DE)

Support and organisation of the EISVOGEL award ceremony 2023 Heinz Sielmann Stiftung

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

The implementation of the EU Textile Strategy - Definitions as a basis for the derivation of possible ecodesign requirements (project number:173705)
Short description
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld (DE); Hohenstein Institut für Textilinovation gGmbH, Bönningheim (DE)
2022 – 2023

Waste avoidance in the procurement, use and disposal of workwear with project partners in the public sector Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Wiesbaden (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner: UG, Berlin (DE); Dr. Angela Dageförde (Fachjuristin für Vergaberecht), Hannover (DE); Prof. Monika Fuchs (Professorin für Bekleidungstechnik HTW Berlin), (DE)
2021 – 2023

AnSchuhb - Coordination and further development of activities to promote sustainable use of footwear
Research paper on the resource consumption of shoes
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Fusio e.V., Leipzig (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE); Runder Tisch Reparatur e.V., Stuttgart (DE)
2021 – 2023

Criteria for the environmentally sustainable production of film and TV productions Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM), Berlin (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
KlimAktiv gemeinnützige Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Klimaschutzes mbH, Tübingen (DE)
2021 – 2023

V800, 831
Support of the Round Table on Marine Litter to operationalize the measures proposed under Environmental Objective 5 of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), "Reduction of Marine Litter" (FKZ: 3719 25 204 0)
Short description
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. (UMSICHT), Oberhausen (DE); ÖkoMedia GmbH, Stuttgart (DE); Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus, Lüneburg (DE); s.Pro - sustainable projects GmbH, Berlin (DE)
2020 – 2023

Development of the "Blue Angel" Ecolabel - Framework Contract 2020: Elaboration of Blue Angel Criteria For Dust Filters of Wood Stoves (FKZ 3720 37 303 1) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
DBFZ gGmbH, Leipzig (DE); Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. (IBP), Stuttgart (DE)
2021 – 2022

Economic assessment of environmental measures - Measures in the field of eco-design and declaration obligations BAFU Bundesamt für Umwelt, Bern (CH)

Project leader:
BSS Volkswirtschaftliche Beratung AG, Basel (CH)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2021 – 2022

Scientific support of the implementation process of the Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Regulation - Fourth work programme (FKZ 3719 37 305 0)
Short description
Short expertise: Use of post-consumer recycled plastics in energy-consuming appliances
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. (IZM), Berlin (DE); Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)
2019 – 2022

Policy briefs on the Sustainable Products Initiative Better Europe BV, Ukkel (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Implementation of extended producer responsibility for fishing gear and tobacco products as part of the implementation of the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive in Germany NABU - Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V., Berlin (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Support in the preparatory work for ecodesign and energy labelling measures including tyres labelling - Lot 1: Consumer NGOs: stakeholder representation” - ECODESIGN WORK PLAN 2020-2024, (ENER/C3/2019-467/04 Lot 1/SI2.826554) BEUC The European Consumer Organisation, Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2020 – 2021

Development of the User Manual for EU Ecolabel for printed paper, stationery paper and paper carrier bags products group (PO 651626) European Commission, DG JRC IPTS, Sevilla (ES)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2020 – 2021

Roadmap for Healthy Buildings: Declaration and Classification of Performance of Construction Products in Relation to Their Emissions to Indoor Air (FKZ: 3720 61 201 0) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2020 – 2021

Research and development of new product groups and related criteria for the "Blue Angel" environment label (FKZ: 3717 37 314 0) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE), DBFZ gGmbH, Leipzig (DE)
2017 – 2021

Applying the principle of "ecodesign" to plastic products
Short description
Final report
Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS), Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Vito NV, Mol (BE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Development of the ecolabel Blue Angel for wood stoves (FKZ: 3717 37 314 0) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
DBFZ gGmbH, Leipzig (DE)
2018 – 2019

Review Study of the Ecodesign Voluntary Agreement for the Product Group "Videogames Consoles" (Contract No 409/PP/2014/FC Lot 2)
Short description
European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROWTH), Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES), Kent (UK)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2018 – 2019

Development of guidelines: Eco Design of Plastic Packaging
Short description
EcoDesign guidelines
IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V., Bad Homburg (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
eco-media kommunikation, Hamburg (DE)
2017 – 2019

Scientific contributions to the implementation of the Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Directive - Third Working Programme (FKZ 3716 37 3120)
Short description
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. (IZM), Berlin (DE); Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE); Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus, Lüneburg (DE)
2016 – 2019

Further development of the Blue Angel: New ecolabels and dynamization of existing basic award criteria (FKZ 3714 95 305 0) Sub projects: Printers, module system for future awarding criteria, Take back mobile phones, acrylic glass, textiles, shoes, lubricants, recycling plastics
Short description
The Blue Angel
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE); Ifeu Institut für Energie und Umweltforschung GmbH, Heidelberg (DE); IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE)
2014 – 2019

Conception and realisation of a congress on ecodesign at universities ("Fachtag Ecodesign", project no. 84513) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2017 – 2018

Consultation in the European Working Group for Revision of the EU Ecolabel Criteria for Paper Products The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH
2016 – 2018

Conception and organisation of a conference on ecodesign ("Wider die Verschwendung III - Ökologische Produktgestaltung fördern") (Project number 79255)
Conference website (German only)
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Round Table - Eco Design of plastic packaging IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V., Bad Homburg (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2016 – 2017

Further development of the "Blue Angel" programme by implementation of new product labels and dynamic elements in existing labels for the product groups: street lighting, toys, paintboxes (FKZ: 3713 95 322)
Short description
The Blue Angel
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2013 – 2017

Incorporation of ecological aspects of product design in designers formation (FKZ: 3712 95 303) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Internationales Designzentrum Berlin e.V. (IDZ), Berlin (DE); Sustainability and workX, Hamburg (DE)
2012 – 2017

Development of the Blue Angel ecolabel: Expertises on the creation of new and the dynamisation of existing eco-labels (FKZ 3712 95 338 1) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE)
2013 – 2016

Scientific contributions to the implementation of the Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Directive - Working plan of 2012 (FKZ: 3712 95 308) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. (IZM), Berlin (DE); Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE); Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus, Lüneburg (DE)
2013 – 2016

Representation of the scientific perspective in the committee "Market surveillance and Ecodesign" in the 7th Commission of the Lower Saxonian Government Commission of the Lower Saxonian Government, Hannover (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2011 – 2016

Technical Support of the Environmental NGOs for their Stakeholder Representation within the Implementation of the Ecodesign Directive (EuP)
Short description
European Commission, DG Energy and Transport, Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS), Brussels (BE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2007 – 2016

V477, 571, 650
Development of 'Blue Angel' Ecolabel criteria for printed matter with a low environmental impact
Project Result "Criteria For Environmentally Friendly Printed Matter"
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
oekom Verlag, Munich (DE)

Project partner:
Frankfurter Buchmesse (DE); Ifeu Institut für Energie und Umweltforschung GmbH, Heidelberg (DE); Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2013 – 2015

Scientific contributions to the implementation of Directive 125/2009/EG (Ecodesign) and Directive 2010/30/EU (Energy Labelling) - Studies and ad-hoc consultancy on implementing measures, workplan and development of the directives for the enhancement of energy efficiency taking into account resource aspects (FKZ: 3711 95 305) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ifeu Institut für Energie und Umweltforschung GmbH, Heidelberg (DE); Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE); Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH, Wuppertal (DE)
2011 – 2015

Approaches and Instruments to address resource use in product policy
Report "Delivering Resource-Efficient Products"
European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Beyond Efficiency - Anchoring Absolute Savings in the Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Directive
Short description
Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND e.V.), Berlin (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2013 – 2014

Revision and development of the 'Blue Angel' Ecolabel for Climate Protection: Expertises for revision of existing Ecolabel criteria and as follow-up of project 'Top 100' on products with climate relevance: DECT Phones (FKZ: 3711 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2012 – 2014

Establishment of a network and performance of workshops in the context of Integrated Product Policy and Ecodesign Public authority for urban development and environment (BSU), Hamburg (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2011 – 2014

Revision of the Ecolable RAL-ZU 84a and RAL-ZU 84b "Sanitary additives" and "Additives for rinsing waters" in the frame of the project for the development of the Ecolabel Blue Angel (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE)
2012 – 2013

Expertise on light-emitting diodes: environment, health and consumer-related aspects of LED lighting products
Short description
Expertise Leuchtdioden (german)
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2011 – 2013

Further development of the environmental label Blue Angel: Expertise on the development of new and revision of existing environmental labels for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302): plastic casings, digital projectors, wood pellet stoves, wood chip installations, gas and electricity-powered heat pumps, small-scale liquid/gas-fired cogeneration modules, hot water storage tanks, biological lubricants as well as development of a communication strategie for new target groups and execution of a strategy workshop German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE); Chambers Redeker Sellner Dahs Partnerschaftsgesellschaft, Berlin (DE); WKKW GmbH, Berlin (DE)
2009 – 2013

Blue Angel TOP 100 - Development of Ecolabel Criteria for Products with Climate Relevance (FKZ: 8103 02 229 147): Voice over IP Telephones, Windows, Routers, Street lighting, Interactive Whiteboards, Hybrid Heating Systems
TOP 100 Website
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2009 – 2013

Product Group 'Voice over IP Phones' - Development of Ecolabel Criteria for Products with Climate Relevance (FKZ: 810302229147) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Biological lubricants - Expertise on the revision of existing environmental labels for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Pollutants in products - A comparison of REACH and the EU-Ecodesign Directive (EuP) - Subproject of FKZ: 3708 95 300: Resource and material efficiency - relevant aspects in the context of the EuP-Directive German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE); Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH, Wuppertal (DE)
2009 – 2012

Indicators for pollutants and instruments for their assessment - Subproject of FKZ: 3708 95 300: Resource and material efficiency - relevant aspects in the context of the EU-Ecodesign Directive (EuP) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE); Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH, Wuppertal (DE)
2009 – 2012

Product Group 'Road lightning' - Development of Ecolabel Criteria for Products with Climate Relevance (FKZ: 810302229147) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2009 – 2012

Contributions to Resource Efficiency Increase by Means of Product Innovations - Establishment of Demanding Efficiency Standards within a European Top Runner Approach in the Context of the Implementation of the Ecodesign Directive (EuP) (FKZ: 3709 93 306) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V. (IZM), Berlin (DE); Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH, Wuppertal (DE)
2009 – 2012

Resource and material efficiency - relevant aspects in the context of the EU Ecodesign Directive (FKZ: 3708 95 300) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE); Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH, Wuppertal (DE)
2009 – 2012

Advice, elaboration of information material and trainings on the EuP directive
EBV Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2008 – 2012

Legal possibilities of a standardisation of ecolabels in the context of the project to advancement the ecolabel "blue angel" German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Chambers Redeker Sellner Dahs Partnerschaftsgesellschaft, Berlin (DE)

Revision of the Blue Angel for the product group of hot water storage tanks within the scope of the framework project on the further development of the Blue Angel for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE)

Revision of the Blue Angel for the product group of gas and electricity-powered heat pumps within the scope of the framework project on the further development of the Blue Angel for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE)

Revision of the Blue Angel for the product group of small-scale liquid/gas-fired cogeneration modules within the scope of the framework project on the further development of the Blue Angel for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE)

Product Group 'Interactive Whiteboards' - Development of Ecolabel Criteria for Products with Climate Relevance (FKZ: 810302229147) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Development of a communication strategy for new target groups of the Blue Angel for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE); WKKW GmbH, Berlin (DE)
2010 – 2011

Revision of the Blue Angel for the product group of gas-fired heating devices within the scope of the framework project on the further development of the Blue Angel for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE)
2010 – 2011

Product Group 'Router' - Development of Ecolabel Criteria for Products with Climate Relevance (FKZ: 810302229147) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2010 – 2011

Digital projectors - Expertise on the revision of existing environmental labels for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2010 – 2011

Impact Assessment on VOC Reduction Options for Road Marking System
Final Report
Dow Coating Materials (CH); GEVKO Product Management, Goeteburg (SE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2010 – 2011

Requirements towards design and re-use of plastic casings (Blue Angel Subproject FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2010 – 2011

Eco-Efficiency Standards for Paper Products: Criteria Evaluation - Consulting and Participation in Working Group DIN NA 74
Website DIN Committee 'Environmental Efficiency'
NGOs' Coordination Office on Standardisation (KNU), Berlin (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2009 – 2011

Framework contract on expert studies for the Blue Angel - consumer products and services (FKZ: 3708 95 304): textile toys, detergents, textiles, shoes, social standards, photo-minilabs & photo kiosks German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE); Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)
2008 – 2011

Schomerus, T., Spengler, L.: "Die Erweiterung der Ökodesign-Richtlinie - auf dem Weg zur ‘Super-Umweltrichtlinie’?" Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Jg. 8, Ausg. 2, S. 54–60. 2010

Revision of the Blue Angel for the product group of wood pellet stoves within the scope of the framework project on the further development of the Blue Angel for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE)

Strategical workshop on the revision of existing environmental labels for innovative product groups (FKZ: 3709 95 302) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Assessment of projects on energy savings of the Energy Agency Hamburg Public authority for urban development and environment (BSU), Hamburg (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Product Group 'Voice over IP Phones' - Development of Ecolabel Criteria for Products with Climate Relevance (FKZ: 810302229147) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2009 – 2010

Social standards - Framework contract on expert studies for the Blue Angel - consumer products and services (FKZ: 3708 95 304) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE)
2009 – 2010

Shoes - Framework contract on expert studies for the Blue Angel - consumer products and services (FKZ: 3708 95 304) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE)
2009 – 2010

Textiles - Framework contract on expert studies for the Blue Angel - consumer products and services (FKZ: 3708 95 304) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE)
2009 – 2010

Detergents - Framework contract on expert studies for the Blue Angel - consumer products and services (FKZ: 3708 95 304) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)
2009 – 2010

Textile toys - Framework contract on expert studies for the Blue Angel - consumer products and services (FKZ: 3708 95 304) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE)
2009 – 2010

Photo-minilabs & Photo kiosks - Framework contract on expert studies for the Blue Angel - consumer products and services (FKZ: 3708 95 304) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE); Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)
2009 – 2010

Research project in the framework of the research program „Zukunft Bau“ (Future of Construction Work): "Concept for avoiding incomplete product declarations" Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBSR), Bonn (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2009 – 2010

Study on a concept for a product-related Top-Runner approach on EU-Level (FKZ: 363 01 233) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
IÖW Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung gGmbH, Berlin (DE); Leuphana University, Lueneburg (DE)
2009 – 2010

European Ecolabel for Copying and Graphic Paper (Criteria Revision) - Consulting and Participation in the European Technical Working Group
European Union Eco-label Homepage
EU Ecolabel Criteria for Copying and Graphic Paper
European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2008 – 2010

Representation of environmental groups within the 6th governmental commission of Lower Saxony "Energy and resource efficient products and services" VVV Commission of the Lower Saxonian Government (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2008 – 2010

Analysis of impact of efficiency (Ecodesign Directive) on EU Greenhouse gas emissions
European Commission, DG Environment, Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd (RPA), Loddon (UK); Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH, Wuppertal (DE)
2008 – 2010

Background studies and expert workshops on the Ecodesign Directive (EuP) as part of the "MaRess" study on material efficiency (FKZ: 3707 93 300)
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH, Wuppertal (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE) sowie 31 Partner im Rahmen des Verbundvorhabens
2008 – 2010

European Ecolabel for Printed Matter - Consulting and Participation in the European Working Group for Criteria Development
European Union Eco-label Homepage
EU Ecolabel Criteria for Printed Matter
European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2003 – 2010

Improvement of Product Responsibility Lower Saxony Ministry for Environment and Climate, Hannover (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Boeblingen (DE); Tecpol Technologieentwicklungs GmbH, Hannover (DE); Tönsmeier Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG (DE)

Potential and delivery of EuP implementing measures - Phase 1: Exemplary cost and energy effects on average houshold level The Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment (NL)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH, Wuppertal (DE)

Presentation at the Berlin Energy Days 2009: Ecodesign and Labelling Directive: The Status of Implementation Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv), Berlin (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

European Ecolabel for Tissue Paper (Criteria Revision) - Consulting and Participation in the European Technical Working Group
European Union Eco-label Homepage
EU Ecolabel Criteria for Tissue Paper
European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2005 – 2009

Development of Blue Angel award criteria for wooden toys (FKZ: 205 95 357/01-06/02) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

V418 - 01/06/02
Speech and technical paper during the Electronics Goes Green conference: Implementation of the EuP-Directive - Status quo und critical observations -

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Environment product indicators and benchmarks in the context of environmental labels and declarations ANEC European Association for the Coordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation, Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)

Project partner:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Expert advice and background support of stakeholders on the Ecodesign Directive (EuP) High End Society e.V., Wuppertal (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2007 – 2008

Service contract: Analyses of selected product groups for the development of new and existing Blue Angel labels (FKZ: 205 95 357) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2005 – 2008

Survey concerning the feasibility of Blue Angel award criteria for wooden toys (FKZ: 205 95 357/01-06) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

V418 - 01/06
Survey concerning the feasibility of Blue Angel award criteria for the control unit of electric motors (FKZ: 205 95 357/01-05) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

V418 - 01/05
Survey concerning the feasibility of Blue Angel award criteria for LED based outdoor advertisement (FKZ: 205 95 357/01-04) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

V418 - 01/04
Development of Blue Angel award criteria for digital projectors (beamer) (FKZ: 205 95 357/01-03) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2006 – 2007

V418 - 01/03/2
Development of a network and knowledge pool within the scope the Ecodesign Directive (FKZ: 206 93 300/02)
German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2006 – 2007

Survey concerning the feasibility of Blue Angel award criteria for babyphones (FKZ: 205 95 357/01-02) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

V418 - 01/02/02
Moderation of an IPP dialogue between manufacturers of medical imaging equipment and hospitals and surgeries specialised in X-ray examination in the Metropolis Region Hamburg Public authority for urban development and environment (BSU), Hamburg (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Survey concerning the feasibility of a of Blue Angel award criteria for digital projectors (beamer) (FKZ: 205 95 357/01-03) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

V418 - 01/03
Development of Blue Angel award criteria for babyphones (FKZ: 205 95 357/01-02) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

V418 - 01/02
Consultancy with regard to the optimization of a life cycle management process N.N.

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2005 – 2006

Measurement of the power input of ~ 30 printers (FKZ: 205 95 357/01-01) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
deZem GmbH Energiecontrolling und Energiemanagement, Berlin (DE)

V418 - 01/01
Consulting of the Environmental Authority of Hamburg for Strategy Development Implementing an IPP Concept (Integrated Product Policy) for the Economic Region of Hamburg Public authority for urban development and environment (BSU), Hamburg (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

European Ecolabel for Lubricants - Consulting and Participation in the European Working Group for Criteria Development European Commission, DG Environment, Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Blue Angel Subproject: Strategy for the problematic of co-existing labelling as dangerous substances and at the same time labelling with the German eco-label (FKZ: 202 95 382) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)
2003 – 2004

Risk analysis of harmful substances in road vehicles: exploratory study of the effects on the environment and on health during their entire life cycle
Ministry of Environment, Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2003 – 2004

Study to determine a set of relevant product related environmental criteria for vehicles and to inform the public about these criteria in an efficient way
Ministry of Environment, Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2003 – 2004

Blue Angel Subproject: Comparison of award criteria for the European and the German eco-label and analysis of a possible harmonisation for six exemplary products groups (FKZ: 202 95 382) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2002 – 2004

Blue Angel Subproject: Expertise on screening the market for existing and new eco-labels for house heating systems and the linkage to the EuP-directive (FKZ: 202 95 382) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2002 – 2004

Blue Angel Subproject: Expertise on checking the blue angle for colour inkjet printers (FKZ: 202 95 382) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2002 – 2004

Blue Angel Subproject: Expertise on criteria for a blue angle for upholstered furniture (FKZ: 202 95 382) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2002 – 2004

Feasibility studies, expertise and market surveys for the elaboration of new and the development of existing eco-labels in selected product groups (FKZ: 202 95 382) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg (DE); Imug Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Hannover (DE); Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg (DE)
2002 – 2004

Evaluation and development of an environmentally sound public procurement in consideration of the current EU legislative process on public awarding of tenders (FKZ: 201 18 313) German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
RAe Günther, Heidel, Wollenteil und Hack, Hamburg (DE)
2001 – 2003

Ecological evaluation of products for awarding the label "Greenpeace future products!" Greenpeace e.V. (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)
2001 – 2002

Study on Heavy Metals in Vehicles (2) European Commission, DG Environment, Brussels (BE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Sustainable Design of IT-Products Envrionmental Ministry of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Sustainable Schleswig-Holstein - A user oriented approach in the IT branch Envrionmental Ministry of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (DE)

Project leader:
Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg (DE)

Project partner:
bios-Systemhaus GmbH, Norderstedt (DE); RAe Günther, Heidel, Wollenteil und Hack, Hamburg (DE)
2000 – 2001


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